Do you have questions?
Please feel free to contact us.


EuroSkyPark GmbH

Heinrich-Barth-Straße 30
66115 Saarbrücken

Phone: +49 681 9761720

Fax: +49 681 97617229

Office Bad Homburg

Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade 37
61348 Bad Homburg

Office Hamburg

c/o Dussmann Office
Ballindamm 3
20095 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 98674999

Technical Support

Phone: +49 681 97617272

Office Berlin

Phone: +49 30 469994514

EuroSkyPark Paris

102 avenue des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris, France

Phone: +331 70 614166

EuroSkyPark Italy

Piazza del Popolo 18
00187 Roma – Italy

Tel.: +39 06 45214910

EuroSkyPark London

Phone: +44 207 183 1326


EuroSkyPark Spain

Phone: +34 91 9498022


EuroSkyPark Netherlands

Phone: +31 645 571 054


Middle East

قلوبل سكاي بارك تونس
Global Sky Park Tunisia

Mr. Ali Sellami
3 Rue Aboulhassen El Achaari
Ariana 2080

Tél fix: +216 71 820 888
Tél gsm: +216 98 34 28 62

South America

Euro Sky Park GmbH (Ltda.), Contact Office,
El Golf 40, Piso 12,
CL – 755 00 00 Las Condes,
Santiago de Chile

Phone: +569 6865 0455

Southern Africa /
North America

Please contact our headquarter in Germany.

Global Sky Park GmbH
Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade 37  
61348 Bad Homburg
vor der Höhe, Germany

Phone: +49 69 505027170
Fax: +49 69 505027171

Offshore Certifications

We hold all the necessary certifications for work in offshore wind farms and substations.
We will be happy to provide you with further information.

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