Heinrich-Barth-Straße 30
66115 Saarbrücken
Phone: +49 681 9761720
Fax: +49 681 97617229
Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade 37
61348 Bad Homburg
قلوبل سكاي بارك تونس
Global Sky Park Tunisia
Mr. Ali Sellami
3 Rue Aboulhassen El Achaari
Ariana 2080
Tél fix: +216 71 820 888
Tél gsm: +216 98 34 28 62
Euro Sky Park GmbH (Ltda.), Contact Office,
El Golf 40, Piso 12,
CL – 755 00 00 Las Condes,
Santiago de Chile
Phone: +569 6865 0455
Please contact our headquarter in Germany.
Global Sky Park GmbH
Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade 37
61348 Bad Homburg
vor der Höhe, Germany
Phone: +49 69 505027170
Fax: +49 69 505027171
We hold all the necessary certifications for work in offshore wind farms and substations.
We will be happy to provide you with further information.
EuroSkyPark GmbH
Zitatgeber Vorname Name, ggf. Funktion + Firma